Folliculitis is an inflammatory condition in which the hair follicles become infected with bacteria and become pus-filled. It starts as a red papule and gradually evolves into a pustule. Usually, it occurs in hairy areas of adults. Nowadays, a lot of people suffer from folliculitis because it even attacks the head and can lead to hair loss if not treated promptly and effectively. Therefore, at this stage when people are increasingly concerned about hair loss prevention, it is necessary for them to know about folliculitis as well.
Why do I have scalp folliculitis?
There are two types of folliculitis: one is infectious folliculitis, which is caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. The other type is non-infectious folliculitis, such as eosinophilic folliculitis and drug-induced folliculitis. Our common folliculitis is bacterial folliculitis, which is mainly caused by Staphylococcus aureus. In the initial stage of folliculitis, red papules appear at the mouth of the skin follicles, which slowly start to develop pus and then form papule pustules. The follicles are surrounded by a red halo and eventually dry and crusty, and the crusts leave marks after they fall off, which can be recurring and very disfiguring.
Now, we guess you should know the reason. Folliculitis basically occurs only to bacterial infection. For example, when the weather is harshly hot in summer, or you do a lot of sports and sweat a lot without cleaning in time, these unhygienic behaviors will of course stress out your fragile and sensitive scalp follicles and naturally you will get folliculitis.
Several hazards of folliculitis .
1. Pruritus
Folliculitis has to be unbearable during the onset of the disease, often with a very intense itching sensation. It is hard to get rid of strong feeling. So you may fail to keep yourselves from scratching the infected area, and once that happens, your condition may get worse.
2. Scarring
Visually, folliculitis can also affect you greatly. Folliculitis manifests itself by the appearance of pustules on the surface, which then become dry and fall off, resulting in scars. Suppose you have short hair and your scalp is all covered with scars, wouldn't you care people’s sight?It is more than just ruining your appearance, but also makes many people suffer a blow to their self-confidence, afraid to communicate with others, bringing a lot of inconvenience to life and work.
3. Hair loss
If you don't deal with it in time to get it under leisurely control, chances are high that folliculitis will cause hair loss. This is well understood. We all know that hair follicles are the most important for hair growth and if your follicles are affected in some negative way like infection, then it is useless. Once this happens, the follicle cannot supply nutrients to the hair properly and in the long run, the hair will fall out.
If it gets worse, it can develop into perifolliculitis and in severe cases can lead to other complications such as sepsis and septicemia.
How to manage?
1. Ensure skin cleanliness
Considering that folliculitis is caused by bacterial infection, then you should pay more attention to the usual hygiene and cleanliness. For example, you should take a serious shower after sweating from sports, be patient when using shampoo, and rinse it all out without residue. When you already have folliculitis, you still have to pay attention to cleanliness. Also, remember not to scratch the affected area with your hands to avoid scratching the lesions and causing the folliculitis to become infected and more serious.
2. Regulate the diet
You must pay attention to the diet, not to eat irritating and spicy food, and you must quit smoking and drinking. Wine and cigarettes can contain irritating ingredients, which can lead to the seriousness of the disease. Therefore, in daily life must eat lighter, eat more fruits and vegetables, can increase their own absorption of trace elements, enhance resistance. In general, we must pay more attention to exercise, enhance their immunity, these can prevent further deterioration of the disease, to prevent i
3. Get adequate sleep
If your case is already very serious, then don't hesitate, doctors are always more professional and helpful! The thing you have to do is to go to the hospital for treatment. Usually, some ointment like antibiotics are prescribed and so on.
Folliculitis is not a trivial disease and you must not ignore it. Once you notice a small pimple on your scalp and it is itchy, you have to resist scratching it. During this time, you need a better lifestyle and, at the same time, make sure you go to a regular hospital and consult your doctor. After all, once the area with folliculitis has scabbed over and fallen off, no more hair will grow. So, you must be careful.